My Boyfriend’s Daughter Is Sabotaging Our Relationship (Please Advise)

Posted by E.L.E.X on June 30 2020 under Motivational

Good evening fellow readers,

I have a lot I want to talk to someone about.

I met someone some time ago, then I just came out of a relationship that didn’t work out, but this guy told me he wanted something serious,like he wanted marriage and I felt it’s ok to give it a try.

When I met this guy he told me, he has a daughter that’s about 14 years, I said ok, it could be me with a child, so I accepted the relationship, and we started dating.

He is in Enugu while I am in Owerri. While I was in Owerri, but we were communicating very well, his family was happy with me, and my family too liked him and wished that we end up together, he asked him to relocate to Enugu where he’s based and accepted.

I had to quit my job and traveled to meet him late last year and since then I have been in his house. He’s a nice guy no doubt about, but the problem started when I ask his daughter to wash and sweep the house, that’s where problems started from till this day.

Things have never normal in the house, mind he has not done anything yet, not even an introduction less alone, traditional marriage, but I have been with him since November till now, as I’m talking to you.

His daughter has an upbringing that is questionable, everyone thinks I came here to chase her away from her father house,how is that? Because I would want her to do those little chores in the house like sweeping and washing plates, that’s all.

But those chores are seen as a punishment to her from her father and his family, now tell me can you be in a home where you have a 14 year old daughter and you send her on any errands? You sweep and Wash the dishes that she uses and the home she lives in,

And nothing is done or said about her refusal to participate in the house activity and when you want to insist or say anything, it’s said that because you are not the Biological mother, that’s you are doing this and doing that,and her father is not helping me at all with any of these.

Something happened that really turned me off with this family and the man I’m dating,the girl in question is as naughty as anything that word can express,she naughty,rude,untamed, uncut, disrespectful, unmanned and at the same time I think she might be possessed.

Sometimes something happens in the house and her father comes back from his activity I report to him as the man of the house, he will not say anything or correct his daughter,but me do something to her, and her father comes back, and she reports me to him and you see him shout at me in front of his daughter!!!

He talks to me so rudely in front of his daughter and made the girl lose respect and regards for me, because of all that attitude towards me,it made me became also rude to him and didn’t care about anything anymore.

The relationship died, the interest died, everything died. I told myself that I can’t stay here because it’s obvious they don’t want me to be here or have anything to do their son, because I thought it was ok to try to correct those errors in that girls’ life, but it was misinterpreted to be that I hate the girl and I don’t want her anywhere near her father.

I wanted money to return back to Owerri before the lock down started. His mother came to stay with us some time ago, everything got even worse ,and now when his mother came,she grew from bad to worse,I thought that the reason why my man was not doing anything as regards the complaint I had and always given him was because he was not someone who talks a lot.

That was what I thought before,but when her grandma came,my dear, it became everyone in the house against me, because one thing is that I don’t know how to pretend and so I was not able to cover up anything whenever there is a misunderstanding.

So her Grandma left and told his sister and everyone that I chased her out of her son’s house and my man believed it n took it against me.

The girl did something some time ago that really hurt me, she pour hot Oil on my hand while I was frying yam, and that got me very upset and so I descended on her,and beat her up very well,and the family came after me, his mother and his sister thinks that I hate the girl that’s why beat her up,I don’t want her to stay in her father’s house

Another thing ma, some of my sisters thinks that am over reacting by saying that I want to return back to Owerri, because they think age and time is not on my side.

Should I keep staying here and hope things will change, how do I make things change or move away as soon as the lockdown is over?

What Should I Do?


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