Posted by E.L.E.X on February 20 2019 under News
A man named Fidel Lopez has been arrested after admitting to raping a dog and leaving it with internal injuries so severe it had to be put to death humanely.
Fidel, 51, grew frustrated that his fiancée wasn’t responding to his calls and texts and allegedly raped the dog as he lay in bed.
The girlfriend who later brought the dog to nearby animal DoveLewis Emergency Hospital where vets took the decision to put the animal down.
After the arrest of Lopez, it was gathered that he admitted to the crime and also told the police that he’d been drinking alcohol at the time of the alleged incident and committed the assault “out of anger.”
According to reports, Lopez fiancee told nurses that her partner displayed some “potential bestiality tendencies.” and he once bragged about watching another person sexually assault a dog and would occasionally show his genitals to them, she claimed. He also suggested getting a dog larger than Estrella, she said.
A necropsy was performed on Estrella after she was euthanized and traces of Lopez’s DNA were found in the dog.
Lopez is currently being detained at Multnomah County Detention Center on suspicion of first-degree aggravated animal abuse and sexual assault of an animal.
His fiancée told authorities that she is concerned about her family’s safety if Lopez was released from jail.
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